mánudagur, apríl 18, 2005


I figure the EM range du jour to be around Å 5800-6100. The week's flowers are roses, a rich yellow intensifying into a firey orange at the ruffled edges and outermost insides of the petals. There is one white one among them, looking rather at a loss. But the incandescent yellow-orange rhymes well with the peculiar citrus item I purchased where I had found the roses. Shaped like a lemon, colored more like an orange, I did not know what it was when I hefted it and did not bother to ask when I bought it. When I cut into it later, though, it yielded lovely flesh that tasted about Å 6000, too tart for orange and too orange for lemon, and I realized immediately as white steam flowed around the edge of the lid on a nearby pot that it was exactly right for squeezing over the asparagus therein.

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