mánudagur, febrúar 02, 2009


It's a little laughing face, isn't it?

This took me months to figure out, maybe longer. I always saw the alphabetic symbol of Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn: D-listinn. Well, now someone else is in power for the first time in eighteen years. Who's laughing now? The suddenly fyrrverandi ráðherrar of the fyrrverandi government whine about what they would have done had not the coalition disintegrated under the weight of public outrage -- under the weight of impassioned democracy.

I don't know what to make of the symbols of the parties now in coalition, Samfylkingin and Vinstri-Grænn, though Vinstri-Grænn's xV does look a little like Steingrímur J. screwing his eyes shut and yelling something inappropriate from the back of the chamber. He'll have to do that from in front now.

En til hamingju með nýju ríkistjórnina, íslendingar. Ég sá glitt í nokkur hlæjanda andlit á Austurvelli í fréttunum.

2 ummæli:

Björgvin Valur sagði...

Takk, takk. Við brosum mörg.

Nafnlaus sagði...

XB talar tungum tveim og hér sleikir frjálshyggjufanturinn út, eftir að hafa klárað kökuna Xd

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