þriðjudagur, ágúst 16, 2005


All across the South, the waterfalls are falling upward because of the wind. It sounds like a line in a prophecy. Doubtless, there is something in particular that is supposed to happen when all the waterfalls in Suðurlandið flow upward, but whatever it is, I'm sure that it has happened so many times here already that no one takes notice of it any more. It's that kind of place.

Both falls at Núpsstaður were flying up into the clouds. On the other hand, the enormous rock that stands nearby on the cliffs has still not fallen and crushed the farm, as another prophecy says it must someday do, and so all things considered it is probably right and proper that everyone continue to go about his business as usual and not worry about the erratic behavior of waterfalls. The horses are completely unconcerned. They have all turned their blunt hind ends into the wind; all across Suðurland they stand facing westward with their forelocks flying over their heads.

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