sunnudagur, júlí 24, 2005


Picking up the threads of communication on a slow Saturday night, it strikes me that they are less strands (þættir, whatever) than loops. Correspondence is after all a back-and-forth. Each missive rests on a curving course, a bead on a bent wire, and both ends sit either with me or with the other writer. Coming back to my stack of owed letters, I am returning to a piece of half-finished knitting. Some parts have ravelled, and I regret not having passed a crochet hook and a thick piece of yarn through where the needles had been, but as is often the case, I thought I would only be a moment when I put the whole thing down.

6 ummæli:

Chris Sellers sagði...

What often gets me is feeling like the knitting has to be so fancy. Keeps me from the needles forever. But then I miss the other's loop in response.

sterna sagði...

That's familiar. But you know, it's knitting, not lacework. It might just be a sock.

Nafnlaus sagði...

Reading this reminds me of string theory, which I've been trying to understand a bit. Turns out the strands underlying and constituting the fabric of everything might look more like loops.
The beads on the strings might be our space-moment in a multi-dimensional universe.
Looking at the world-wide hit map for this blog, I'm reminded that the "strings" might be membranes, or "branes" and that they might occupy a space millions of times smaller than an atom, or they might span the galaxy or even the universe.
My word.

Chris Sellers sagði...

As is my wont, I'm inclined to weave these threads together in comic-book fashion:

One horrible day, the elegant but elusive string theory will be confirmed by a mad genius ... who grasps the vibrating strings underlying all reality and knits them together (on his Infinity Loom) into the multidimensional Sock of the Apocalypse.

All spacetime will be bent to his will - rolled into a ball, really. Can humanity rise to the challenge? Can we weave a second sock, making a pair and preventing the unmatched Sock from being thrown away?

sterna sagði...

... or would the second sock be the Anti-Sock, which would mutually annihilate with the Apoca-Sock, averting the immediate crisis (with appropriate fireworks and sound-effects) but also leaving the universe barefoot?

Chris Sellers sagði...



(I think I went to Camp Apocasock when I was nine.... I never knew it was a haven for evildoers.)

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