fimmtudagur, mars 10, 2005

krysser sitt spor

A different city and a resumed conversation, and we stroll around agreeing how embarrassing it is all around when the well-meaning but ignorant skamrose you, when people praise you up and down for being learned and clever at your chosen subject, which they don’t even remember what is, and it is all very awkward.

Also we note that we both use this construction that we know how incorr... that we know is incorrect in English, but we won’t give it up because it is useful and we like it. Despite our sticklerish proclivities for using datamaskin instead of computer and were he in place of if he woulda, in this we steam along recklessly. Shifting the conversational engine between gears, slamming back and forth from Danish to English, we churn up a frothy wake and then cross back over it for the pleasure of feeling the craft toss on the choppy, white-capped grammar of our own creation.

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