miðvikudagur, febrúar 02, 2005

rabbit rabbit

I was remiss today. I did not utter the magic phrase upon first waking to ensure my good luck this month. I do not recall exactly what I said first, but it was not rabbit rabbit. February is not generally such a bad month that I feel supernatual help is more necessary than in other months. November is in my experience worse. Nevertheless every little bit helps, you know, som kjerringa sa mens hun pisset i sjøen. Far be it from me to turn down some slight betterment of my overall fortune. Or perhaps I should be philosophical, grateful that the first words out of my mouth were not more along the lines of Faaaaaen... the rent!

Still, still.

I offer the gods of February this image of Dürer's 1502 hare instead. Perhaps this will assuage them: not just a lapine but one labelled 15-02, as if marked for the celebration of Februa on the fifteenth of this month.

There. We should be quits now.

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