miðvikudagur, janúar 10, 2007


She bought a silver pitcher. It stands on little four-toed feet. It matches the coffee pot, or nearly so. (The coffee pot has only curls of foliage in place of toes.) They both have round, swooping shapes, streamlined, bottom-heaved and beaked. They have a pleasing physicality in the way that ducks do. They are not egret-elegant. But silver duck-pitcher and silver duck-coffee pot are oblivious to such æsthetic concerns. They stand perfectly unruffled and practical, their spouts pointing off towards the back of the dining room.

3 ummæli:

Chris Sellers sagði...

I bet they make a sound somewhere between a quack and a slosh, or sploosh ...

tristan sagði...

they probably fly around the room whilst you sleep

sterna sagði...

So that's what that sound is!

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