þriðjudagur, apríl 18, 2006


From Kurt Kirchheiner's Tysk Kursus på 100 Timer (Københaven 1954):
a skal udtales som åbent, rent a. Man skal vogte sig for det æ-agtige københavner-a. For at lære at udtale tyske ord som Dame, Maler, Reklame, Banane rigtigt, må man tvinge sig til at åbne munden så meget som muligt. (s. 11)
The humor is rather diminished if you have never actually heard a Copenhagen native speak, but the burden of the above is that in order to render the German a correctly the Dane must resist the temptation to constrict into an e- og æ-like sound and instead "force oneself to open the mouth as much as possible."

There are also some very useful tips on not inserting glottal stops into German words where they have no business being, not making the intervocalic d into a fricative ð, and not dropping the intervocalic g altogether.

If you have heard Danish, these instructions may call to mind the idea of a dancer skilled in all manner of complicated pas and spins and leaps all executed en pointe being given instructions on how to drop the heel, place one foot in front of the other, and walk mundanely like anyone else.

2 ummæli:

Simon Roy Hughes sagði...

Danes simply sound like drunk Norwegians.

sterna sagði...

And yet, when I am drunk and speaking Norwegian, I do not sound like a Dane. It is very mysterious.

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