fimmtudagur, apríl 07, 2005

morgunn og kvöld


Oh, why did you wake me just then? I wasn't finished dreaming.

It's time to get up. What were you dreaming that was so remarkable?

I was reading a huge leather-bound book. I was just turning the last page when you roused me.

Oh --


Is that thunder in the distance? What a strange spring it has been, full of rumbles and thunderclaps, so unusual for this coast. Maybe it is thunder, and it will rain in the night and that bell will ring all through my dreams.

1 ummæli:

Chris Sellers sagði...

The sky is clear tonight. I think it might've been fireworks. For what, I don't know. Other hypotheses include invasion from Mars (because a terrorist attack wouldn't've lasted that long), but so far everything seems to be standing.

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